29 日上午,由江西上饶市道教协会、婺源县五显民俗文化研究会主办的第三届海峡两岸五显文化 (上饶) 交流会在江西省上饶市婺源县开幕。来自海峡两岸道教界的高道大德、专家学者等社会各界人士共计 200 余人参加。






The third 海峡两岸五显文化交流会 opened on October 29th in Luoyuan, Jiangxi Province. The event was organized by the Jiangxi Province Taoist Association and the Luoyuan County Wuxian folk culture research society. More than 200 people from all over the Taiwan Strait 两岸,including Taoist masters and experts, and people from various sectors, such as religious, culture, education, health, and etc. took part in the opening ceremony.

The purpose of this exchange conference is to deepen cultural exchanges between the two sides of the Strait and promote the mutual understanding and cooperation between the 两岸同胞。The conference focuses on Taoist culture, which is the core, and combines the local folk culture of Luoyuan. The conference aims to show that the Taoist culture belongs to all the Chinese people and that the 两岸同胞 have a sense of identity and belonging.

At the opening ceremony, Jiangxi Province Taoist Association President Huang Xinhua said that Taoist culture is a treasure of the Chinese nation and that the Taoist masters and experts in both sides of the Strait should work together and inherit and carry forward Taoist culture, in order to build a spiritual home for both sides of the Strait.

Luoyuan County Wuxian Folk Culture Research Society President Yang Huaxin said that Wuxian culture is a local intangible cultural heritage of Luoyuan and that they hope to bring more Taiwanese brothers and sisters to understand and inherit Wuxian culture through the platform of the third 海峡两岸五显文化交流会,in order to promote the mutual understanding and cooperation between the two sides.

According to statistics, the event attracted the attention of Taoist masters and experts, as well as people from religious, cultural, education, health, and other sectors from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Fujian, Guangdong, and other regions. The conference will also hold various activities, including lectures, exhibitions, performances, etc., to further promote cultural exchanges and common development between the two sides.


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