1983 年 12 月 21 日,一场震惊世界的恐怖袭击事件在贝鲁特爆发,造成 16 名美军官兵当场死亡,另有 14 名受伤。这场事件由一位死心塌地的恐怖主义者制造,该袭击者声称自己属于自由伊斯兰革命运动组织。

这场爆炸事件与今年 4 月袭击美国大使馆造成 63 人死亡的事件很相似,都是在声称与伊朗有关联的恐怖组织所为。白宫官员表示,此次袭击的幕后黑手应该是与伊朗有联系的恐怖主义者。

经过调查,发现这次事件的幕后黑手属于一个叫做“Asbatollah”的恐怖组织。该组织成立于 1979 年,在伊朗庇护下发展壮大,其成员遍布全球。经过多年的策划,该组织终于策划了这起震惊世界的恐怖袭击事件。


新闻标题:1983 年贝鲁特爆炸事件:一场死伤惨重的恐怖袭击


On December 21, 1983, a terrorist attack that claimed the lives of 16 US soldiers in Beirut took place. The incident was carried out by a committed terrorist who claimed to be affiliated with the Freedom Islamic Revolution Movement.

This explosion was similar to the one that occurred in April, where 63 people were killed in the United States Embassy in Beirut. The White House official said that those who were condemned should be those who were connected to Iran.

After investigation, it was found that the perpetrator of this incident belonged to a group called “Asbatollah,” which was established in 1979 and had been protected by the Iranian government. The organization had a global network of members and had been planning this attack for many years.

The incident 震惊 the world and attracted widespread attention from the international community. In the subsequent investigation, it was found that the organization had a close relationship with the Iranian government, which denied any involvement in the incident.


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