据公安部介绍,为方便广大民众,实现全国通办驾驶证和护照,公安部近日推出多项措施。29 个省份将实现户口迁移跨省通办,民众可以在任何一个省份轻松办理相关手续。此外,民众在办理驾驶证和护照时,无需再提供原籍地的证明文件,可直接在全国范围内办理。公安部表示,此举旨在提高民众的幸福感,推进政务服务的便利化。
The public security ministry has introduced several measures to facilitate cross-provincial communication for driver’s licenses and passports. In 29 provinces,跨省通办 driver’s licenses and passports will be realized, making it easier for people to handle related procedures across the country. In the process of handling driver’s licenses and passports, no proof documents from the applicant’s original hometown are required, and procedures will be conducted across the country directly. The public security ministry stated that this is aimed at improving the people’s happiness and promoting the 便利 ization of public service.
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