据辽宁省公安厅连续三任厅长受贿过亿的消息,19 日,辽宁省人民政府原副省长、省公安厅原厅长王大伟受贿一案开庭受审。记者注意到,辽宁公安厅连续三任厅长被查,受贿金额都超过亿元。此次王大伟受审,再次引起了社会各界的广泛关注。近年来,我国加大对腐败案件的打击力度,依法惩处了一批又一批腐败分子,坚决维护党和政府的形象和公信力。
According to the news report, the corruption case of the former Vice President and Secretary of the 辽宁省 Public Security Commission, Wang D 伟,was put on trial on September 19th. The report notes that the Public Security Commission of 辽宁省 has had three consecutive governors who have been found guilty of corruption, with 受贿 amounts exceeding 100 million yuan. This case has once again attracted widespread attention from the public. In recent years, China has increased its efforts to crack down on corruption cases, and has taken legal action against a significant number of corrupt officials, in order to maintain the integrity and credibility of the Party and the government.
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