1989 年 10 月 18 日,美国发射了伽利略号木星探测飞船,这是美国航天局第一个直接专用探测木星的航天器。30 年过去了,今天,我们回顾一下这艘无人太空船的辉煌成就。

伽利略号探测飞船以文艺复兴时期意大利天文学家伽利略的名字命名,旨在研究木星及其卫星。飞船由穿梭机亚特兰蒂斯号运送升空,任务名称为 STS-34。


今天,美伽利略号探测飞船仍然在距离木星约 2.2 亿公里的太空深处,继续为人类探索宇宙提供宝贵数据。虽然它已经服役 30 年,但美伽利略号的故事仍在继续,未来的探测任务仍然充满期待。


Title: Celebrating 30 years of the Galileo Jupiter probe

Keywords: Galileo, Jupiter, probe, spacecraft,伽利略

News content:

On October 18, 1989, the United States launched the Galileo Jupiter probe, the first directly dedicated spacecraft for studying Jupiter and its moons. 30 years have passed since this historic launch, and today, we take a look at the probe’s remarkable achievements.

The Galileo spacecraft is named after the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei, who made significant contributions to the study of the heavens. The spacecraft was launched by the Space Shuttle Atlantis and was assigned the mission STS-34.

The launch of the Galileo Jupiter probe marked a significant breakthrough in the United States’s efforts to study Jupiter. It allowed humans to gain a deeper understanding of the planet and pave the way for future deep-space probes.

Today, the Galileo spacecraft continues to orbit around Jupiter, providing valuable data for human explorers of the universe. Although it has been in service for 30 years, the story of the Galileo continues, with exciting prospects for future missions.


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