
近日,6 部门联合印发了《算力基础设施高质量发展行动计划》,提出了打造一批算力新业务、新模式、新业态,深化算力赋能行业应用的目标。作为算力应用落地的代表,生成式人工智能技术不断发展,多种大模型产品竞相亮相。这些海量应用场景成为我国人工智能发展的优质“试验田”。




Recently, a joint statement by six departments was released regarding the high-quality development of artificial intelligence (AI) infrastructure. The statement proposes creating new businesses, models, and formats for AI, and promoting the deep integration of AI into various industries. massive application scenarios have become a testing ground for the development of AI in China.

In recent years, the development of AI technology has attracted widespread attention. The high-quality development of AI infrastructure aims to promote the application and popularization of AI technology. Generative AI technology has emerged as a highlight in this field. This technology can learn and train through massive amounts of data, serving different industries 需求.

However, the development of AI technology also faces some challenges. Ensuring the sustainable development of AI technology and enabling more people to benefit from the technology while ensuring its safety are some of the issues that need to be addressed.


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