中国足球协会今天上午召开换届大会,会议选出了 7 人的新一届领导班子。其中,前女足队长孙雯留任,负责协会的日常工作。此次换届中,各个职位的人员分工基本确定。
据了解,此次换届是在中国足球协会前任主席蔡振华辞去职务后进行的。在过去几个月里,中国足协一直在积极筹备换届工作,并最终确定了 7 人的领导班子。
China Football Association held its renewal conference today, electing a 7-member new leadership team. The association’s former chairperson, Cai Zhenhua, has resigned. The new team, led by Sun Wan, will take charge of the association’s daily management. The changes in the leadership team reflect the Association’s focus on club development in China. With the support of top Chinese clubs in the Super League, the renewal work of the Association has been successfully completed. This will lay a solid foundation for the Association’s future development. Sun Wan’s appointment will also provide strong support for the association’s daily management. It is believed that under the leadership of the Chinese Football Association, China’s football will continue to achieve better results.
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