金秋十月,位于四川成都的百年川大校园内,一场特别的青春大课正在进行。来自不同行业、不同领域的 30 余位杰出代表,与莘莘学子们围坐一堂,共话青春、共叙成长。
这堂名为“同上一堂课 共谱青春乐章”的大课,旨在激发广大青年学生的奋斗精神和追求梦想的动力。参与其中的杰出代表们,既有知名的企业家、科学家,也有在不同领域做出杰出贡献的人士。他们以自己的亲身经历和成功案例,与学生们分享青春奋斗的故事,传递积极向上的精神风貌。
英文标题:Five-hundred-year-old Sichuan University Launches Joint Class for Youth and Dreams
关键词:Five-hundred-year-old Sichuan University, joint class, youth and dreams
In October, during the golden harvest, Sichuan University, a famous university with a history of more than 500 years, is holding a special class called “Together on the Same Classroom, Completing the Youth and Dream of Our Time.” More than 30 outstanding representatives from various industries and fields are sharing their experiences and success stories with students, inspiring them to pursue their dreams and strive for success.
This class aims to inspire and motivate young students to pursue their dreams and aspirations, and to develop the drive and determination necessary to achieve them. The outstanding representatives participating in the class include entrepreneurs, scientists, and individuals from various fields who have made remarkable contributions. They share their stories of youthful ambition and hard work, and offer advice and guidance to the students.
The students in the class have gained a lot from the experience. They learn from the examples of the outstanding representatives and the valuable lessons they have to offer, further solidifying their determination to pursue their dreams. At the same time, this class has also attracted widespread attention from society, with many parents, teachers, and entrepreneurs expressing their interest in having their children and employees participate in such an meaningful class for youthful ambition and dedication.
【来源】https://www.baidu.com/s?wd=同上一堂课 共谱青春乐章
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