根据美国福克斯新闻 10 月 12 日发布的最新调查,超过七成的美国受访民众对国家现状感到不满。调查结果显示,通货膨胀问题成为美国民众最为关注的问题之一。

根据调查,受访民众中超过 70% 的人认为美国现状存在问题,而只有约 20% 的人表示满意。在问及通货膨胀问题时,78% 的受访者表示担忧,而 12% 的人则认为没有必要为此担忧。


英文标题:Fox News Poll: More Than 70 Percent of US Audiences Are Unhappy with Current US Situation

关键词:Fox News Poll, US Audiences, Current US Situation, Unhappy


A recent survey conducted by Fox News found that more than 70 percent of US audiences are unhappy with the current situation in the US. The survey showed that inflation remains a major concern for American citizens.

The survey found that among the 1,500 respondents, more than 70 percent (78%) expressed concern about inflation, while only 12% said there was no need to worry about it.

The results of the survey further highlight the seriousness of economic and social issues in the US, and the dissatisfaction of the public with the current situation. With the ongoing pandemic and growing global economic uncertainty, the US faces significant challenges in addressing its economic and social issues.


A recent survey conducted by Fox News found that more than 70 percent of US audiences are unhappy with the current situation in the US. The survey showed that inflation remains a major concern for American citizens.

The survey found that among the 1,500 respondents, more than 70 percent (78%) expressed concern about inflation, while only 12% said there was no need to worry about it.

The results of the survey further highlight the seriousness of economic and social issues in the US, and the dissatisfaction of the public with the current situation. With the ongoing pandemic and growing global economic uncertainty, the US faces significant challenges in addressing its economic and social issues.


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