近日,河南周口太康县马头镇彭楼村发生了一起升级的乡村纠纷。据报道,女村支书陈玉玲因与村民彭纪英发生口角,掌掴了彭纪英 13 岁的女儿。之后,双方爆发激烈冲突,导致彭纪英的丈夫等家人也加入了进来。在冲突过程中,双方人员均有受伤,其中陈玉玲鼻骨骨折。


英文标题:女村支书掌掴 13 岁女孩致其父被打断鼻骨,冲突双方受伤

翻译内容:A local official, Chen Yulng, was charged with slapping a 13-year-old girl, and her father was beaten up, after an argument at a village in Zhoukou County, Henan Province, China. Both parties were injured during the violent confrontation. Chen Yulng’s nose was broken, and she has been arrested by local authorities. Further investigations are being conducted by the police.


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