


英文标题:Smart Asian Games bring benefits to more people in Hangzhou

关键词:Smart Asian Games,遗产,people,sports cultural festival,chinese cities,world


In recent years, with the successful organization of the Hangzhou Asian Games, various innovative technologies and unique cultural features have been frequently highlighted on social media, presenting a sports cultural festival with a “Chinese style, Zhejiang flavor, Hangzhou charm, and rich variety” to the world. The opening of the 智能亚运会、杭州大爷的“花式翻译”、运送铁饼的机器狗等,都成为了人们关注的焦点。这些创新技术和特色文化 not only bring Hangzhou an opportunity to 走向世界 and improve its development, but also provide the same opportunity to many other Chinese cities.

As a former news professional, I am well aware of the significant role that the Asian Games can play in the development of a city. Hosting the Asian Games can city to show its charm and strength to the world, attract more investment and talent. In addition, the Asian Games can also help to raise the public’s sports awareness, promote the formation of healthy habits, and encourage the development of a active lifestyle.

In the future, Chinese cities should continue to leverage the legacy of the Asian Games to promote the development of sports culture. By hosting more sports activities and cultural events, cities can better showcase their culture and charm to the world, attract more talent and investment. At the same time, cities should also focus on the protection and inheritance of heritage, allowing the benefits of the Asian Games to be felt by more people in the city and injecting new vitality into the city’s development.


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