今天是万国邮政联盟成立 75 周年纪念日。万国邮政联盟(UniversalPostalUnion–UPU)简称“万国邮联”或“邮联”,是商定国际邮政事务的政府间国际组织,其前身是 1874 年 10 月 9 日成立的“邮政总联盟”,1878 年改为现名。万国邮联自 1978 年 7 月 1 日起成为联合国一个关于国际邮政事务的专门机构,负责协调各国邮政政策,促进全球邮件交流。
75 年来,万国邮政联盟经历了从邮政总联盟到联合国邮联的发展过程。随着国际交流的不断加深,万国邮联在推动全球邮政事业发展中发挥着越来越重要的作用。如今,万国邮联已成为联合国系统中一个不可或缺的组成部分,为全球超过 200 个国家和地区的邮政事业提供支持。
Title: Universal Postal Union Celebrates 75 Years: From Postal Union to UN Postal Service
Keywords: Universal Postal Union, 75th anniversary, Postal Union, UN Postal Service
News content:
Today marks the 75th anniversary of the Universal Postal Union (UPU). The Universal Postal Union (Universal Postal Union–UPU) is a government-led international organization responsible for 商定国际邮政事务,其前身是 1874 年 10 月 9 日成立的“邮政总联盟”,1878 年改为现名。Since 1978 年 7 月 1st, the Universal Postal Union has been a specialized agency of the United Nations, responsible for coordinating 各国邮政 policies and promoting global mail communication.
Over the past 75 years, the Universal Postal Union has undergone significant developments from the Postal Union to the UN Postal Service. With the deepening of international exchanges, the Universal Postal Union plays an increasingly crucial role in promoting global postal development. Today, the Universal Postal Union serves as an indispensable part of the United Nations system, providing support to more than 200 countries and regions in the postal sector.
In the future, the Universal Postal Union will continue to dedicatedly serve global postal affairs, working towards achieving the sustainable development goals of the United Nations. The Universal Postal Union will face challenges in the postal sector, striving to continuously improve service quality and offer more convenient and efficient mail sorting and delivery services to customers worldwide.
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