
苹果公司 CEO 蒂姆·库克近日抛售了 4100 万美元的苹果股票,这是两年多来公司最大规模的股票抛售。受此影响,苹果股票盘后一度跌逾 3%。


虽然库克的股票抛售规模较大,但苹果公司的财务状况仍然稳健。根据公司最近发布的财报,截至 2022 年 6 月 30 日,苹果公司总资产为 660 亿美元,负债率较低。



Title: Tim Cook sells 4.1 million Apple shares, largest sell since 2010

Keywords: Tim Cook, Apple shares, sell, largest

News content:

Apple CEO Tim Cook recently sold 4.1 million shares of Apple stock, the largest sell since 2010. This move could be aimed at diversifying risks, as Apple faces increased competition from China and other countries. The company also faces pressure from regulators, such as tax issues from the US government.

Despite the significant stock sale, Apple’s financial position remains sound. The company recently released its quarterly earnings report, showing total assets of $66 billion and a relatively low debt ratio.

The news of Cook’s stock sale has attracted a lot of attention from the market, and many analysts believe that the move is an attempt to reduce risk in the current market environment. However, the future of Apple remains uncertain, as market conditions and the challenges the company faces still exist.


Title: Tim Cook sells 4.1 million Apple shares, largest sell since 2010

Keywords: Tim Cook, Apple shares, sell, largest

News content:

Apple CEO Tim Cook recently sold 4.1 million shares of Apple stock, the largest sell since 2010. This move could be aimed at diversifying risks, as Apple faces increased competition from China and other countries. The company also faces pressure from regulators, such as tax issues from the US government.

Despite the significant stock sale, Apple’s financial position remains sound. The company recently released its quarterly earnings report, showing total assets of $66 billion and a relatively low debt ratio.

The news of Cook’s stock sale has attracted a lot of attention from the market, and many analysts believe that the move is an attempt to reduce risk in the current market environment. However, the future of Apple remains uncertain, as market conditions and the challenges the company faces still exist.


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