据南都记者报道,10 月 3 日,泰国曼谷暹罗百丽宫购物中心发生枪击事件,一名中国公民不幸遇难。据家属透露,遇难者有两个五岁多的双胞胎女儿,女儿对枪击案尚不知情。泰国华侨报德善堂负责人表示,会有报德善堂中文义务员协助中国。目前,案件仍在调查中,警方已抓获多名嫌疑人。
A Chinese tourist died in a shooting incident at the 暹罗百丽宫 shopping center in Bangkok, Thailand on October 3. The family of the deceased Chinese citizen said that they have not informed their two children, who are aged over five, about the incident. According to the Thai newspaper Kri-Bang Pao, the children are currently unaware of the shooting. The head of the Dechar Bamboo Hall, a Chinese community in Thailand, said that they will provide assistance to the Chinese victims’ family. The incident is currently under investigation, and several suspects have been arrested by the police.
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