1957 年 10 月 4 日,苏联成功发射了人类第一颗人造地球卫星。这颗卫星由运送卫星的火箭发射而成,获得了每秒八千公尺左右的必要轨道速度,离地面 900 公里的高空运行。据计算,这颗卫星每转一圈需要 1 小时 35 分钟,它的运行轨道和赤道平面之间所形成的倾斜角是 6 度。此次发射标志着人类首次成功进行了人造卫星的发射,也为后来的太空探索奠定了基础。
On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union successfully launched the first artificial satellite for humans. This satellite was launched by the rocket carrying it, obtaining a necessary orbit speed of about 8 kilometers per second, and it operates at an altitude of 900 kilometers above the Earth. According to calculations, the satellite takes one hour and 35 minutes to orbit once, and the angle between its orbit and the Earth’s equator is 6 degrees. This launch marked the first time human successfully launched an artificial satellite, paving the way for future space exploration.
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