据美国国会众议院共和党议员马特·盖茨当地时间 2 日晚提出撤换动议,要求罢免共和党籍众议院议长凯文·麦卡锡。盖茨在一份声明中指出,他对麦卡锡的领导能力表示怀疑,并认为他不再适合担任众议院议长。



英文标题:U.S. Rep. Gates proposes impeachment of Speaker of the House 麦卡锡

英文翻译:U.S. Rep. Gates proposes impeachment of Speaker of the House 麦卡锡


On the evening of October 2nd, U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz, a Republican 议员 from Florida, proposed a motion to impeach Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy. In a statement, Gaetz expressed doubts about McCarthy’s leadership abilities and believed he was no longer suitable to serve as Speaker of the House.

Gaetz’s proposal has caused internal strife within the Republican Party, with some Republicans expressing 谴责 at his comments, which they see as challenging McCarthy’s leadership. However, other Republicans have expressed support for Gaetz’s proposal, saying they are dissatisfied with the state of the House under McCarthy’s leadership.

At present, the proposal has not yet been voted on by the House, and it remains unclear whether it will go forward.


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