根据国家防汛抗旱应急预案,国家防总于 10 月 2 日 10 时启动了防汛四级应急响应,以应对华西秋雨秋汛防范工作。此次应急响应由应急管理部组织,会同水利、自然资源和气象等部门进行联合会商研判,进一步安排部署节日期间华西秋雨秋汛防范应对工作。当前,华西秋雨仍在持续并可能加强,国家防总要求各级政府和部门要密切关注雨情、汛情、灾情,做好防汛各项工作,确保人民群众的生命财产安全。
Title: National 防汛 authority initiates 防汛四级 emergency response for West China’s autumn rain and autumn flood
Keywords:防汛、四级应急响应、华西秋雨、秋汛、National 防汛 authority
news content:
According to the National Flood Control and Drought Relief Strategy, the National 防汛 authority launched a 防汛四级 emergency response at 10 o’clock on October 2nd to address the prevention and response to the autumn rain and autumn flood in West China. The emergency response was organized by the Ministry of Emergency Management and jointly conducted with relevant departments such as water resources, land resources and meteorology. The National 防汛 authority further dispatched and coordinates the work to ensure the safety and security of the people and the protection of the flood-control measures. The current situation of the autumn rain in West China is still intense and may strengthen further. The National 防汛 authority urges relevant departments and local governments to closely monitor the rain situation, floods and other disasters, and take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of the people and the protection of the flood-control measures.
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