1984 年,加拿大 7000 多头驯鹿在渡河时溺死。驯鹿俗称“四不像”,也叫“角鹿”,是珍稀动物。因为它的头似马而非马,角似鹿而非鹿、身似驴而非驴、蹄子似牛而又非牛,故名“四不像”。驯鹿是哺乳纲、偶蹄目、鹿科动物。又名角鹿。是鹿科驯鹿属下的唯一一种动物。雌雄的驯鹿皆有角,角的分枝繁复是其外观上的重要特征。


根据加拿大政府野生动物保护机构的数据,自 2007 年以来,已有超过 200 头驯鹿在河流中溺死。为了防止这种情况再次发生,当地政府正在采取措施,例如提供安全的渡河通道和扩大驯鹿的生存地。



Canadian reindeer die in large numbers after crossing river
Keywords: reindeer, cross-border, drowning, \”four-legged\”

In 1984, more than 7,000 reindeer died in Canada after crossing a river. Also known as \”four-legged\” or \”deer-like antelope,\” reindeer are a rare and endangered species. Their distinctive appearance, with a head like a horse, horns like a 鹿,a body like a donkey, and hooves like a cow, has given them their name. Reindeer are members of the deer family, Ovidae, and are the only species in the genus Ovus elapidis. Both male and female reindeer have horns, with their branches being an important feature of their appearance.

In recent years, the harsh climate of global warming has made it increasingly difficult for reindeer to survive. In order to survive, reindeer must cross rivers and lakes. However, as river levels rise and ice melts, their ability to cross rivers is severely limited.

According to data from the Canadian government’s wildlife protection agency, since 2007, more than 200 reindeer have died in rivers. To prevent this from happening again, local governments are taking measures, such as providing safe crossing channels and expanding the reindeer’s habitat.

However, the survival of reindeer is still threatened. With the continuing impact of global warming, river levels will continue to rise, making it even more difficult for reindeer to survive. If humans do not take action to protect reindeer, they may face the risk of extinction.


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