
1996 年 10 月 1-2 日,由克林顿主持、巴勒斯坦自治政府主席阿拉法特、以色列总理内塔尼亚胡、约旦国王侯赛因出席的四方首脑会晤在中东地区举行。然而,由于巴以之间爆发大规模暴力冲突,此次会晤未能取得突破性进展。

On October 1-2, 1996, the first summit meeting of the leaders of the Middle East was held in the region, hosted by President Bill Clinton, with the participation of Yasser Arafat, the President of the Palestinian autonomous government, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, and King Hussein of Jordan. However, due to the outbreak of large-scale violence between the Israelis and Palestinians, the meeting did not achieve significant breakthroughs.


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