近日,河南省陈吴乡两所初中女生宿舍内发生了一起打人事件。根据当地警方介绍,打人者已经被拘留 10 天并罚款 500 元。此外,涉事的两名未成年人也被拘留,但拘留暂缓执行。据了解,该事件中有多名目击者称,当天晚上,两所宿舍的男生和女生之间发生了激烈的争吵,随后多名女生在宿舍内扇耳光、互相殴打。警方在现场抓获了打人者,并对涉事学生进行了调查。目前,该事件正在进一步调查中。
On the night of a recent incident, two junior high school girls from Chengxu town in Henan province were forced to slap each other’s ears and were beaten by male students in their dormitories. According to local police, the attacker was sentenced to 10 days’ imprisonment and fined 500 yuan. The two minors involved in the incident were also arrested, but their arrest was suspended. According to reports, several witnesses claimed that there was a heated argument between the male and female students in the dormitories, followed by several girls slapping each other’s ears and engaging in physical fights. The police arrested the attacker at the scene and conducted a investigation into the matter. Currently, the incident is still under investigation.
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