
据美国纽约当地时间 9 月 29 日报道,由于出现极端降雨天气,纽约市、长岛和哈德逊河谷地区已进入紧急状态。纽约州长霍楚尔宣布,此次降雨天气对当地交通和生活造成严重影响,为了保障市民的安全和生活正常运转,政府已采取一系列措施,如加强交通管制、清理道路、加固建筑物等。同时,州长也呼吁市民提前做好应急准备,避免洪水、泥石流等灾害的影响。

此次降雨天气自 29 日开始,预计持续到 30 日。受影响的地区不仅交通受阻,而且面临着房屋倒塌、道路积水、电力设施损坏等安全隐患。政府部门已启动应急预案,组织抢险人员对受灾地区进行救援和修复工作。同时,政府也提醒市民注意防范洪水、泥石流等灾害,如有紧急情况请及时报警求助。


New York City, United States has been declared in an emergency situation due to extreme rainfall. The governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, announced on September 29th that the city, as well as the Long Island and Hudson River regions, have been affected by severe weather conditions, and a state of emergency has been declared. The governor stated that the heavy rain has caused significant disruptions to transportation and daily life, and that government agencies have taken steps to ensure the safety and normal operation of the city. He also encouraged citizens to be prepared for emergencies and to stay informed about potential threats to 洪水 and landslides.


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