今天是 1913 年,中国最早的故事片《难夫难妻》上映了。这部电影是由亚细亚影戏公司 1913 年摄制的,全长四本,是中国第一部短故事片。由于当时还没有有声电影技术,所以这部电影是无声的,同时也是黑白片。难夫难妻是一部文明戏演员主演的电影,标志着中国电影事业的开始。

Title: China’s earliest story film, \”The Struggle of the husband and wife\”
Keywords: The Struggle of the husband and wife, story film, silent, black and white, first short story film in China

On this day in history, China’s earliest story film \”The Struggle of the husband and wife\” was released. The film was produced by Asia film company in 1913 and is the first short story film in China. Since there was no sound film technology at that time, the film was silent, and it was also black and white. \”The Struggle of the husband and wife\” is a film starring actors from the 文明戏,marking the beginning of China’s film industry.


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