
在 27 日举办的第九届尼山世界文明论坛“东西问·中外对话”论坛上,武汉大学哲学学院教授、武汉大学文明对话高等研究院院长吴根友,从“天人合一”的观念出发,深入探讨了中国式现代化的世界意义。他表示,中国式现代化强调天人合一、道法自然,是人与自然的和谐共生,体现了中华文化独特的哲学思想。同时,中国式现代化强调国家的发展与人民的福祉密切相关,致力于实现人民幸福、民族复兴和人类共同繁荣。吴根友认为,中国式现代化具有世界意义,为全球治理提供了中国智慧和中国方案。

In the 9th Nishan World Civilization Forum \”Bringing East and West Together: A Dialogue of Wisdom,\” Wu Genyou, a professor at the School of Philosophy, Wuhan University and the President of the Institute of Cultural and Civilization at the University of Wuhan, discussed the world significance of Chinese-style modernization from the perspective of the concept of harmony between man and nature, and the unique philosophical ideas of China. He emphasized that Chinese-style modernization focuses on the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, and the common prosperity of the nation and the people. Wu Genyou believes that Chinese-style modernization has global significance and provides a Chinese solution and a Chinese philosophy for global governance.


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