据央行网站消息,为维护季末流动性平稳,2023 年 9 月 26 日人民银行以利率招标方式开展了 3780 亿元 14 天期逆回购操作。逆回购操作是指央行通过向市场注入流动性,以达到调节市场流动性的目的。此次逆回购操作期限为 14 天,规模达 3780 亿元,旨在促进货币市场流动性和稳定。
On September 26, the People’s Bank of China conducted a reverse repurchase operation of 3780 billion yuan for 14 days, in order to maintain liquidity in the money market. The reverse repurchase operation is a measure taken by the central bank to regulate market liquidity. This time, the reverse repurchase operation lasts for 14 days, with a scale of 3780 billion yuan, in order to promote liquidity and stability in the money market.
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