
在 1955 年,中国人民解放军的军官军衔设有 4 等 14 级,其中包括 2 级元帅、4 级将官、4 级校官。今天回顾历史,我们了解到,1955 年 10 月 1 日,中华人民共和国元帅和中国人民解放军大元帅的授衔仪式在首都北京举行。这是我国正式实行军衔制的一个里程碑。

On this day in history, 10 October 1955, the promotion ceremony of the military rank was held in Beijing for the first time. The ceremony was presided by Mao Zedong, and it marked the beginning of the implementation of the military rank system in our country.


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