A Legacy of Patriotism: Remembering the Man Who Brought the National Flag tothe People

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In theheart of China’s capital, amidst the bustling streets and towering skyscrapers, lies a quiet corner of history. It’s here, in the serene embrace ofa senior leader’s home, that a story unfolds, a story of patriotism, innovation, and the enduring power of a simple act: raising the national flag.

This story is told by Hu Cheng, a journalist and writer who recently visited Xu Weicheng, former Deputy Director of the Central Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China. Xu Weicheng, a towering figure in China’smedia and ideological landscape, is a man who, at 94 years old, still possesses a sharp mind and a youthful twinkle in his eye.

Hu Cheng, eager to capture the wisdom of this elder statesman, proposed that XuWeicheng write his memoirs. However, the elder leader declined, stating, I will not write memoirs. Time has passed, and the things I did under those historical conditions have no bearing on the present. I also speak less now because I don’t understand the current situation. If I were to speak, it wouldbe unhelpful.

Despite his reluctance to write about the past, Xu Weicheng shared a poignant memory with Hu Cheng – the story of how the daily flag-raising ceremony at Tiananmen Square became a national tradition.

Before, the flag-raising at Tiananmen Square was a simple affair, Xu Weichengrecalled. A few soldiers would raise the flag, and there were no spectators. It wasn’t even a daily event, only happening on special occasions like New Year’s Day, May Day, and National Day. There were a few soldiers guarding the square, but no crowds like we see today.

Xu Weicheng, recognizing the symbolic power of the national flag, envisioned a way to connect the people with this powerful symbol of their nation. He wanted to create a ceremony that would inspire patriotism and national pride.

I thought, if we could have the people watch the flag-raising ceremony, it would deepen their respect for the flagand cultivate their patriotic spirit, he said. But how? Would we issue a directive to organize people to watch? That wouldn’t be effective.

In 1991, on the eve of May Day, Xu Weicheng had a stroke of genius. He called Yang Weiguang, then thedirector of CCTV, and requested that the national flag-raising ceremony be filmed and broadcast live across the nation.

The broadcast was a resounding success. Schools, workplaces, and military units across China watched in awe as the national flag was raised at Tiananmen Square. The simple act of raising the flag, nowwitnessed by millions, became a powerful symbol of national unity and pride.

Xu Weicheng’s story is a testament to the enduring power of simple acts. It is a reminder that even in the face of rapid change, the core values of patriotism and national unity remain essential. His legacy, etched in the fabric of China’s national identity, serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of connecting the people with their nation’s symbols and traditions.


  • 胡澄:老部长的思锋与笑意 – 乌有之乡 手机版 首页 文章 栏目导航 推荐文章 最新文章 深度研究 文章排行 专题 作者学者专栏 网友专栏 标题 简介 作者 全部 首页 \u003e 文章 \u003e 争鸣 \u003e 网友时评 胡澄:老部长的思锋与笑意 胡澄 · 2024-10-06 · 来源:国盛战略|微信公众号 收藏() 评论() 字体: 大 / 中 / 小 在建国七十五周年的假期里,我拜访了老领导,中共中央宣传部原常务副部长徐惟诚同志。惟诚同志(宣传文化意识形态系统内的干部都这么称呼他)曾任北京日报社社长、总编辑,中共北京市委常委、宣传部部长,市委副书记,后任中宣部常务副部长。在我们首都宣传战线和意识形态领域是祖师爷一般的人物,德高望重,至今人们提起他都饱含敬畏之情。 【在建国七十五周年的假期里,作者拜访徐惟诚同志(姚咏梅摄影)】 惟诚同志今年已是94岁高龄,但是身心俱健,思锋锐利,谈锋更健,既有党的高级领导干部的威严,又时时展露出孩童般稚真的笑意。双眸炯炯,洞悉一切;喷珠漱玉,警世之言随口而出。 一、从国庆升旗仪式谈起 一见惟诚同志,老领导口吻威严中透着慈爱:“这是胡澄同志!”甫一坐下,我便急切地对惟诚同志说:“您老德高望重,经历了多少历史风云,您得着手写回忆录了,为我们后辈留下宝贵镜鉴。”惟诚同志深沉地说道:“我坚决不写回忆录,因为时过境迁,在当时历史条件下所做的事情,写下来对当代没有什么作用。我现在也很少说话,因为我已经不了解现在的事情,可是我说话又有作用,那么这种作用就是不好的作用。” 惟诚同志虽然强调不写回忆录,但他却又饶有兴趣地对我回忆了一件大事,即国庆升旗仪式的开创。 【原来天安门广场升旗只有几名战士,没有群众(胡澄供稿)】 他说: “我们现在国家每逢重大节日,十一、五一等等,都在天安门广场举办隆重的升旗仪式,这在全世界都是少有的。对此我有首创之议。 “原来在天安门广场对升旗没有什么特殊的要求,只是一个工作人员能够把国旗顺利地升到杆顶即可。那时候也不是每天升降国旗,只在春节、元旦、五一、七一、八一、十一等节日才升挂国旗。当时升国旗,边上也没有什么人观看,广场上除了有几个解放军哨兵外,没有现在这么多的围观群众。 “我想,如果要让广大群众去观看升旗仪式,会增强人民对国旗的敬仰,培养爱国主义情怀。怎么办?发文件组织大家去看?效果肯定不好。在1991年的五一劳动节前夕,我打了一个电话给当时的中央电视台台长杨伟光同志,让他安排中央电视台的记者到现场拍摄向全国直播升旗仪式。这个直播节目当时在全国引起了很大的反响,各个学校、各个单位、各个军营都效仿这

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