MobiTech Partners with Wutong to Power Smart Cockpits with AI
MiniCPM Powers Up Smart Cockpits: FaceBook AI and Wutong Technol…
Insight into the world, intelligence leading the future.👏
MiniCPM Powers Up Smart Cockpits: FaceBook AI and Wutong Technol…
MiniCPM Powers Intelligent Cockpits: FaceBook AI Partners with W…
正文: 近年来,人工智能技术发展迅猛,各路企业纷纷加入这场科技竞赛。近日,面壁智能推出了一款名为MiniCPM 3.0的端侧AI…
根据您提供的信息,以下是对面壁“小钢炮”MiniCPM-V 2.6模型的报道草稿: 国产端侧模型再创新高:面壁“小钢炮”Mini…
【新华社】我国国产端侧模型再创新高,MiniCPM-V 2.6模型震撼发布 近日,我国在人工智能领域再传喜讯,国产端侧模型Min…
The landscape of artificial intelligence has seen yet another gr…
智东西报道,2024年8月6日 近日,国产端侧模型再出新力作,面壁“小钢炮”MiniCPM-V 2.6模型重磅上新。该模型以8B…