12 月 11 日,河南郑州一女生在凌晨开窗看雪时,窗户不牢固,一推直接掉楼下露台。该女生姓名为李某某,今年 20 岁。她住在高层公寓,当时窗户没有关好,她想看看窗外的雪景,结果窗户掉落。



女生推窗看暴雪,窗户掉下楼。12 月 11 日,河南郑州一女生凌晨开窗看雪,窗户不牢固一推直接掉楼下露台。

A girl opened the window to see the snow outside and the window fell down. A girl named Li 某某,20 years old, was living in a high-rise apartment in Zhengzhou city when she opened the window to see the snow outside on December 11th. The window fell down as she was looking at the flakes of snow outside. She rushed to pull the curtains, but it was too late. She had to climb down to the 露台上 on the ground floor.

The property company’s staff said that the window fell down because the girl opened the window without closing it, causing the window spring to lose support. They have already contacted the girl and arranged for personnel to check the windows to ensure that such incidents will not happen again.

A girl pushed the window to see the snow outside and the window fell down from the ground floor of the apartment. On December 11th, a girl named Li 某某,20 years old, was living in a high-rise apartment in Zhengzhou city when she opened the window to see the snow outside. The window fell down as she was looking at the flakes of snow outside. She rushed to pull the curtains, but it was too late. She had to climb down to the 露平台上 on the ground floor.

【来源】https://www.baidu.com/s?wd=郑州女生推窗看暴雪 窗户掉下楼

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