据中国海警局 4 日透露,菲律宾 2 艘运补船和 2 艘海警船未经允许,擅自进入中国南沙群岛仁爱礁邻近海域,中方对此坚决反对。中国海警局表示,菲方此举违反了国际法和中国领海主权,已经对其实行了警告和驱离。
英文翻译:Philippine naval vessels enter Chinese South China Sea
On April 4th, the Chinese Ministry of Public Security of the Navy announced that two supply ships and two coast guard vessels belonging to the Philippines violated the authorization and entered the adjacent waters of the Reef of Chinese South China Island without permission. The Chinese government strongly objects to this act.
The Chinese Ministry of Public Security of the Navy stated that the above-mentioned vessels’ entry into the adjacent waters of the Reef of Chinese South China Island violated the International Law and the sovereignty of China’s territory. They have already issued warnings and conducted evictions to the vessels.
The Chinese Ministry of Public Security of the Navy pointed out that the Reef of Chinese South China Island is a part of China’s territory, and any unauthorized entry would affect China’s territory 主权 and maritime rights. The Chinese Ministry of Public Security of the Navy has already sent several ships and aircraft to monitor and patrol the adjacent waters of the Reef of Chinese South China Island to ensure the sovereignty of China’s territory and maritime rights.
Furthermore, the Chinese Ministry of Public Security of the Navy stated that it will continue to strengthen the patrol and supervision of the surrounding waters to maintain China’s sovereignty of the Reef of Chinese South China Island and the integrity of its territory.
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