In the world of manga and anime, the adaptation of popular works into live-action formats is not uncommon. One such adaptation from the renowned manga artist桂あいり is the 醒时同交欢 (Dancing with You When You’re Awake) manga, which has recently seen the release of an exclusive live-action episode. This follows a series of live-action adaptations that have been released previously, and now, the original manga’s additional content has been brought to life.

The Original Manga and Its Adaptations

Gaining popularity through her works such as カラミざかり (Salty Hair),桂あいり has been a significant contributor to the manga scene in Japan. 醒时同交欢 (Dancing with You When You’re Awake), originally published in the manga, has been adapted into various live-action formats, capturing the essence of the original story in a different medium.

Release of the Exclusionary Episode

Recently, the exclusive live-action adaptation of 醒时同交欢 has been unveiled, featuring a special focus on the secondary storylines and additional content not covered in the original manga. This episode, divided into two parts, features a change in the character 小野六花 to 八木奈々, which some fans might find slightly disappointing.

VR Version Availability

In addition to the traditional live-action version, the series also offers a Virtual Reality (VR) version, providing an immersive experience for those who have VR devices. This technology allows viewers to step into the world of the characters in a more interactive and engaging way.

The Reception and Future of the Series

The release of the exclusive live-action episode has been well-received by fans, who appreciate the effort to extend the universe of 醒时同交欢 beyond the original manga. The series has also seen the release of VR content, catering to a growing interest in immersive storytelling.

Future Adaptations and Development

As the popularity of 醒时同交欢 continues to grow, it is likely that more adaptations and developments will follow. This could include further live-action episodes, additional manga content, or perhaps even a full-length film or series. Fans eagerly await the next steps in the evolution of this beloved manga.


The release of the exclusive live-action episode of 醒时同交欢 is a testament to the enduring appeal of manga and its adaptability into various formats. By offering fans new ways to experience the world of 醒时同交欢, the creators have not only expanded the narrative but also provided new avenues for engagement. With the potential for future adaptations, the story of 醒时同交欢 seems poised to continue captivating audiences for years to come.

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