##骁龙8 Gen 4 传闻将推出“大小杯”版本,安卓阵营欲借此对抗苹果A18
据36氪报道,高通即将推出的旗舰芯片骁龙8 Gen 4,或将采用“大小杯”策略,推出不同性能版本的芯片。这一消息引发业界关注,被视为安卓阵营在高端芯片市场对抗苹果A18的重要举措。
目前,尚不清楚高通将如何命名这两款骁龙8 Gen 4芯片。但业界猜测,高通可能会将标准版命名为“骁龙8 Gen 4”,而Pro版则可能命名为“骁龙8 Gen 4 Plus”或“骁龙8 Gen 4 Pro”。
如果高通真的推出“大小杯”版本的骁龙8 Gen 4,这将为安卓阵营带来更多选择。用户可以根据自己的需求选择不同性能的芯片,从而获得更符合自身需求的体验。同时,这也有助于安卓阵营在高端市场与苹果展开更激烈的竞争。
不过,目前关于骁龙8 Gen 4的“大小杯”策略还只是传闻,尚未得到高通官方的确认。高通何时正式发布骁龙8 Gen 4,以及该芯片的具体规格和性能,还有待进一步观察。
##Here’s the English translation of the news article:
**Headline:**Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 to Launch “Standard” and “Pro” Versions, Android Aims to Challenge Apple A18
**Keywords:** Snapdragon 8 Gen 4, Standard and Pro versions, Challenge A18
## Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 Rumored to Launch “Standard” and “Pro” Versions, Android Camp Aims to Counter Apple A18
According to 36Kr, Qualcomm’s upcoming flagship chip, Snapdragon 8 Gen 4, is expected to adopt a “standard and pro” strategy, launching different performance versions of the chip. This news has sparked industry attention,seen as a crucial move for the Android camp to challenge Apple’s A18 in the high-end chip market.
In recent years, Apple has made significant strides in the chip domain, with its A-series chips outperformingAndroid counterparts in both performance and power consumption. Qualcomm, as the chip supplier for the Android camp, has been continuously striving to close the gap with Apple. The rumored “standard and pro” strategy could be Qualcomm’s latest tactic to counter Apple’s A18.
The “standard and pro” strategy refersto launching different performance versions of the same generation chip, typically named “Standard Edition” and “Pro Edition.” The standard version offers balanced performance, suitable for most users, while the Pro version boasts superior performance, catering to users with higher performance demands.
Currently, it remains unclear how Qualcomm will name these two Snapdragon8 Gen 4 chips. However, industry speculation suggests that the standard version might be called “Snapdragon 8 Gen 4,” while the Pro version could be named “Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 Plus” or “Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 Pro.”
If Qualcomm does launch “standard and pro” versions of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4, it would offer more choices for the Android camp. Users could select chips with different performance levels based on their needs, leading to a more personalized experience. This would also contribute to the Android camp’s fierce competition with Apple in the high-end market.
However, the “standard and pro” strategy for Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 is currently just a rumor and hasn’t been officially confirmed by Qualcomm. The official launch date of Snapdragon 8 Gen 4, along with its specific specifications and performance, remains to be seen.
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