Title: “AI-Generated Video: A New Chapter in Film and Television Assist, or a Revolution in Movie Making Awaits”
Keywords: AI Video, Film and Television Assist, Technological Development
Zhang Peng, the CEO of ZhiPR, recently stated in an interview that AI-based text-to-video technology is currently primarily used as an assistant in the film and television industry and is not yet sufficient to change the filmmaking process. Zhang Peng mentioned that while the technology has sparked widespread attention abroad, even leading to a strike in Hollywood, its development is viewed positively in both the context of technology and the film and television industry. Teachers at Beijing Film Academy unanimously agree that the development of AI is a significant trend in the film industry and has a positive impact on industry change.
Zhang Peng pointed out that while AI technology shows potential in assisting with creative work and the production of short films, it will take time to reach the higher requirements needed to change the filmmaking process. ZhiPR announced the upgrade of its video generation model and the launch of a new product, CogVideoX. This model has been launched on the PC, mobile application, and mini-program ends of ZhiPR’s ClearVoice, providing free AI video generation services. Users can experience AI text-to-video and image-to-video services through the “ClearShadow” function.
Although AI technology is increasingly playing a significant role in the film industry, Zhang Peng stressed that the true filmmaking process requires human creativity and emotional investment, and AI is currently unable to fully replace it. With ongoing technological advancements, AI has the potential to play a larger role in various segments of the film industry, but fundamentally changing the filmmaking process will still take time.
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