中新社海南五指山5月22日电 (记者 阮煜琳) 中国生物多样性保护工作取得了显著成效,国家加大了对生物多样性的保护力度,并持续完善治理体系。中国深度参与全球生物多样性治理,走出了一条具有中国特色的保护之路,在全球生物多样性治理历程中留下了深刻的中国烙印。
Title: “China’s Mark: A Path of Chinese Characteristics in Global Biodiversity Governance”
Keywords: Protection, Governance, Impression
Hainan Wushan, May 22 (Xinhua) — China’s work on biodiversity conservation has achieved significant results, with the state strengthening its efforts to protect biodiversity and continuously improving its governance system. China has actively participated in global biodiversity governance and embarked on a path of protecting biodiversity with Chinese characteristics, leaving a profound Chinese impression on the global biodiversity governance journey.
In recent years, China has taken a series of measures to protect biodiversity. Firstly, the national level has formulated a series of laws and policies to protect biodiversity, such as the “Biodiversity Conservation Law” and the “Ecological Environment Protection Regulations,” providing legal protection for biodiversity conservation. Secondly, China has increased its financial investment, implemented a number of biodiversity conservation projects, such as the “ecological compensation mechanism” and the “biodiversity conservation special fund,” which have effectively improved the efficiency of biodiversity conservation.
In addition, China actively participates in international cooperation and has signed agreements on biodiversity conservation with numerous countries, such as the “Convention on Biological Diversity” and the “United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.” China also actively participates in international conferences and seminars, sharing China’s experiences and achievements in biodiversity conservation, enhancing China’s international influence in the field of biodiversity governance.
The path of biodiversity conservation with Chinese characteristics not only focuses on the protection of domestic biodiversity but also actively participates in global biodiversity governance, contributing Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to global biodiversity conservation. The Chinese impression left on the global biodiversity governance journey is a concrete manifestation of China’s active participation in global governance and its promotion of building a community with a shared future for mankind.
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