根据CVL Economics于2023年11月17日至12月22日进行的一项针对美国六大娱乐行业300名高管的调查显示,生成式人工智能(GenAI)正在迅速渗透并预示着行业变革。研究预测,到2026年,GenAI可能对娱乐行业超过203,800个工作岗位产生深远影响。
这项名为The Decoder的报告揭示了GenAI在娱乐行业的广泛应用趋势,约有72%的受访公司自称为GenAI的早期采用者,显示出行业对这项技术的积极接纳态度。其中,25%的公司已经在日常运营中使用GenAI,而另外47%的公司计划在未来不久将GenAI纳入其业务策略,这预示着GenAI的广泛应用将快速扩展。
**News Title:** “Study warns: By 2026, Generative AI to Disrupt 200,000 Jobs in the Entertainment Industry”
**Keywords:** GenAI, Entertainment Industry, Job Roles
**News Content:**
Title: Generative AI Set to Reshape US Entertainment Industry by 2026, Affecting 203,800 Jobs, Survey Finds
A study conducted by CVL Economics between November 17 and December 22, 2023, among 300 top executives in six major US entertainment sectors reveals that Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) is rapidly infiltrating and portending industry transformation. It forecasts that by 2026, GenAI could have a profound impact on over 203,800 jobs in the entertainment industry.
The report, titled “The Decoder,” uncovers the broad adoption trend of GenAI in the entertainment sector, with 72% of surveyed companies identifying themselves as early adopters, indicating a positive receptiveness to the technology. Currently, 25% of these companies utilize GenAI in their day-to-day operations, while another 47% intend to incorporate GenAI into their business strategies in the near future, signaling a rapid expansion of its widespread use.
The rise of GenAI presents new challenges and opportunities for job roles and employment structures in the entertainment industry. It has the potential to reshape content creation, post-production, market analysis, and consumer interaction, driving innovation and efficiency. However, this technological advancement may also necessitate adjustments in traditional job roles, requiring stakeholders both within and outside the industry to adapt and develop strategies for the new environment.
The study underscores the need for the entertainment industry to proactively address the evolving role of GenAI, planning ahead to maintain competitiveness in this rapidly changing digital age. Simultaneously, policymakers and educational institutions must monitor this trend, providing support and training for potential job transitions.
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