
据知情人士透露,美国芯片制造商AMD(Advanced Micro Devices)在尝试将其专为中国市场定制的人工智能芯片引入国内的过程中遭遇了美国政府的阻力。这一事件反映了华盛顿对限制向中国出口先进技术的持续强硬立场。AMD曾寻求美国商务部的批准,以允许其向中国客户销售特定的人工智能处理器。据不愿透露姓名的内部人士表示,这款针对中国市场设计的芯片在性能上低于AMD在国际市场上销售的产品,其规格已经符合美国的出口管制规定。




Title: “AMD’s Plans to Sell Custom AI Chips to China Halted by US Government: Export Restrictions on Advanced Technology Escalate”

Keywords: AMD, AI chips, US interference

News Content:

AMD’s efforts to sell custom AI chips tailored for the Chinese market have run into opposition from the US government, sources familiar with the matter reveal. This incident underscores Washington’s persistent hardline stance on restricting the export of advanced technology to China. The American chipmaker, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), had sought approval from the US Commerce Department to sell specific artificial intelligence processors to Chinese clients. According to unnamed insiders, the chips designed for the Chinese market have lower performance specifications than those sold internationally and already comply with US export control regulations.

However, US officials have told AMD that despite the reduced performance, the chip’s capabilities are still deemed too sophisticated, requiring the company to secure special permission from the Bureau of Industry and Security within the Commerce Department for any sales. This decision complicates AMD’s expansion in the Chinese market and further escalates tensions between the two nations in the high-tech sector. AMD has yet to issue an official comment on the matter.

This episode highlights the intricacies of the global tech supply chain and the US government’s determination to prevent advanced technology from reaching potential competitors. As global tech competition intensifies, similar cases are likely to arise more frequently, significantly impacting the business strategies of multinational tech companies.


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