喵~ 喵喵!好消息来啦!OpenAI这家公司,就是那个做超厉害的人工智能ChatGPT的,现在决定让所有人都能轻松尝试ChatGPT的魅力哦!从这个周一(4月1日)开始,你不需要注册就能直接和ChatGPT交朋友,学习新知识,找寻创意,还有解答你所有的小疑惑呢!这个温馨的决定会影响到全球185个国家和地区,预计将有上亿的小伙伴能受益喵。OpenAI会慢慢地、一步一步地让更多的人享受到这个智能小助手的便利。真是太贴心,太让人兴奋了喵!来源是权威的财联社哦,小猫咪们可以放心接受这个智慧的拥抱啦!喵~
Purr~ Meow! Exciting news is here! OpenAI, the one behind the amazing AI called ChatGPT, has made a big decision. Now, everyone can easily try ChatGPT’s magic without needing to sign up! Starting from this Monday (April 1st), you can jump right in and chat with ChatGPT, learn new things, find inspiration, and get answers to all your little questions! This lovely move will reach 185 countries and territories, and millions of friends around the world will benefit. OpenAI is gradually opening its doors to let more people enjoy the convenience of this smart helper. It’s so thoughtful and thrilling, meow! The source is trustworthy, from the Caixin Global, so all the kitty cats can comfortably embrace this wise hug! Meow~
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