中新网青海茫崖3月26日电 题:青海最西端城市茫崖:“孤独”不缺“存在” 遥远充满希望。在中国的西北边陲,有一座被称为“孤独之城”的城市——茫崖。这里地处青海最西端,与新疆、甘肃接壤,是丝绸之路经济带上的重要节点。尽管茫崖给人的第一印象是荒凉和遥远,但这座城市却充满了希望和生机。
英文标题:Hope Amidst Solitude: Mangya City, Qinghai
英文关键词:Mangya City, Deserted Land, Promising Future
Mangya City, located in the northwest corner of China, is often referred to as the “City of Solitude.” Despite its remote and barren appearance, the city is full of hope and vitality. As the westernmost city in Qinghai Province, Mangya is an important node on the Silk Road Economic Belt. Although it is a typical desertification area, the city is rich in resources such as oil, natural gas, and salt lakes, providing a solid foundation for its development. In recent years, with the advancement of the national “Belt and Road” initiative, Mangya has ushered in new development opportunities. The government has increased investment in infrastructure, building highways and railways to greatly improve transportation and attract more investors and tourists. At the same time, Mangya is actively developing the new energy industry, utilizing abundant solar and wind resources to build large-scale photovoltaic power stations and wind farms, injecting new vitality into the city’s development. Moreover, Mangya pays attention to the protection and restoration of the ecological environment, implementing a series of ecological construction projects to strive for a win-win situation between economic development and ecological protection. In short, although Mangya is located in a remote area, it is not lonely; its existence is full of hope. The city is writing a development legend in the desert in its own way.
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