中新网3月21日电 据中央气象台网站消息,预计未来几天,我国新疆北部地区将迎来小到中雨或雨夹雪的天气,高海拔地区可能出现中到大雪,局部甚至有暴雪或大暴雪。同时,从3月23日至25日,一股新的冷空气将影响我国中东部大部分地区,带来4至6℃的降温,部分地区降幅可达8至10℃。
英文标题:Title: Rain and Snow to Hit Xinjiang, New Cold Front to Affect Central and Eastern China
英文关键词:Rainfall, Snow, Xinjiang, Cold Wave, Temperature Drop
BEIJING, March 21 (Xinhua) — A new cold front is expected to bring rain and snow to parts of China, with temperatures set to drop by up to 10 degrees Celsius in some areas, according to the National Meteorological Center.
From March 21 to 23, light to moderate rain and sleet is forecast for parts of Xinjiang in the northwest, with heavy snow expected in high-altitude regions, the center said. The precipitation may lead to icy roads and affect traffic.
From March 23 to 25, the cold front will sweep across central and eastern China, bringing strong winds and a drop in temperatures. The public is advised to take precautions against the cold.
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