在人工智能领域,一家名为Mistral AI的法国初创公司正在迅速崛起。该公司在周二的一次活动中宣布,尽管与微软成立了一家合资企业,将部分软件推向市场销售,但仍然承诺保持其代码的开源性质。这一消息发布之际,正值美国亿万富翁埃隆·马斯克对ChatGPT的创建者OpenAI提起法律诉讼,指控该公司违背了其最初的非营利使命,并且对人工智能的研究成果未向所有人开放。马斯克在周一表示,他将开放自己的聊天机器人Grok。

在微软在巴黎举办的一场活动中,Mistral AI的公共事务主管Audrey Herblin-Stoop强调,开源对于建立一个欧洲的AI生态系统至关重要,这将有助于缩小与美国公司在这一领域的巨大差距。Mistral AI的决定体现了在快速发展的AI行业中,开源策略的重要性,以及欧洲公司在全球竞争中寻求立足点的决心。

英文标题:French AI Startup Mistral AI Pledges to Maintain Open Source Commitment
英文关键词:Mistral AI, Open Source, Artificial Intelligence, European Ecosystem, Microsoft, Joint Venture, Non-Profit Mission, Grok, ChatGPT, OpenAI, Elon Musk, Legal Suit

A French AI startup, Mistral AI, is making waves in the tech industry with its commitment to open-source software, despite entering into a joint venture with Microsoft to sell some of its software. This announcement comes as Elon Musk, the American billionaire, sues OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, for allegedly straying from its original non-profit mission to provide AI research to the public. Musk has also revealed plans to open-source his own chatbot, Grok. Audrey Herblin-Stoop, the head of public affairs at Mistral AI, stressed the importance of open source in fostering a European AI ecosystem, crucial for catching up with tech giants from the US.


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