Title: Sora Video Generation Tech Still Needs Improvement, Says Bloomberg Review
Keywords: Sora Technology, Video Generation, Media Evaluation
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The Sora video generation technology has garnered significant attention in the media industry, but can it truly revolutionize the film and television industry? Recently, Bloomberg conducted a hands-on test of Sora and found several serious issues. After testing Sora, Bloomberg reporters pointed out that the technology struggles with complex physical phenomena and animal transformations, and that it is incredibly slow in processing requests. Despite being impressive, Bloomberg believes that Sora is not yet ready for prime time. Currently, Sora’s understanding of body parts and mastery of physical principles are not sufficient to support its widespread use in the future of film and television production. Moreover, the speed at which Sora handles requests is a significant concern. According to a report by Synced, Sora technology still needs to overcome multiple hurdles to achieve the desired effects in video production.
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