中新社阿斯塔纳3月16日电 连日来,哈萨克斯坦多个官方机构接连发文,明确指出关于哈方向乌克兰供应俄式军工产品的信息与实际情况不符。这些机构强调,哈萨克斯坦并未参与任何向冲突地区的武器供应,并且严格遵守国际法律和双边协议的规定。哈萨克斯坦政府表示,其外交政策一直致力于维护地区和平与稳定,不会采取任何可能加剧冲突或违反国际法的行动。
英文标题:Kazakhstan’s Government Denies Allegations of Arms Supply to Ukraine
英文关键词:Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Arms Sales
ASTANA, March 16 (Xinhua) — The Kazakh government has issued statements refuting recent allegations that the country has supplied Russian-made military equipment to Ukraine. The authorities emphasized that Kazakhstan is committed to peace and stability in the region and does not engage in activities that could escalate the conflict or violate international law. The government clarified that it abides by all relevant international legal frameworks and bilateral agreements.
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