Title: The Popularity of Magua Skirt in Shandong Cao County is “Expected”
Keywords: Magua skirt, Hanfu industry, Cao County
News content: At the beginning of the new year 2024, the popularity of Magua skirt once again brought Cao County, a county in southwestern Shandong, to the “hot search” on public opinion after the Hanfu industry became hot 3 years ago. Cao County, located in southwestern Shandong, is known as the “Hometown of Hanfu”. As early as the Han Dynasty, silk began to be woven here, and Magua skirt was thus born. Today, Magua skirt has not only become a symbol of Hanfu culture, but also driven the development of local tourism. Every holiday, Hanfu enthusiasts gather in Cao County to experience the production process of Magua skirt. It can be foreseen that with the revival of traditional culture, Magua skirt and Cao County, this small county, will usher in an even more glorious tomorrow.
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