Title: British financial tycoon Jacob Rothschild passed away
Keywords: UK, financier, Jacob Rothschild
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Foreign media reported that British renowned financier Jacob Rothschild passed away in London on February 26th local time at the age of 87. The Rothschild family issued a statement on February 27th confirming the news.
Jacob Rothschild was a member of the prominent British financial family the Rothschilds and had long been engaged in financial investment business, known as the “English gentleman”. He promoted and participated in many major financial investments and charity affairs throughout his life, and made important contributions to the development of finance in the UK and the world.
The Rothschild family is one of the wealthiest and most influential families globally. Jacob Rothschild’s passing signifies the transition of this financial dynasty. His death left an irreplaceable void in the financial and charity communities.
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