Title: New Tibetan Plateau Research Unveils Mysteries of Deep Earth’s Lithium Isotopes
Keywords: Tibetan Plateau, Deep Earth, Lithium Isotopes
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A research team from the Tibetan Plateau Institute of Science and Technology recently published a study on the deep Earth’s mantle lithium isotopes. The team, led by Dr. Shengdeng Shi and collaborators, systematically analyzed the lithium content and isotopic composition in the mantle peridotites of the Tibetan Plateau. The study reveals the impact of surface processes such as lithium diffusion in seawater on the deep Earth’s mantle lithium isotopes.
This research employed the in-situ lithium isotope analysis method to delve into the phenomenon of lithium isotopes becoming heavier in the deep Earth’s mantle. The study found that surface processes, such as the diffusion of lithium in seawater, have a significant influence on the distribution and variation of deep Earth’s mantle lithium isotopes. This discovery helps us better understand the material composition and evolutionary process of the deep Earth’s mantle.
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