在中国山东省潍坊青州市,冯锋家在腊月二十六的清晨便忙碌起来,为即将到来的春节准备着一道道丰盛的菜品。天刚蒙蒙亮,厨房里 alreadyActivity was in full swing, as Feng Feng’s family in Qingzhou, Weifang, Shandong Province, China, began preparing a variety of dishes for the upcoming Spring Festival.

春节,亦称中国新年,是中国最重要的传统节日之一,人们通过准备丰盛的年夜饭来迎接新的一年。在冯锋家,这一传统的准备工作被赋予了新的意义。 Preparing a sumptuous New Year’s Eve dinner is one of the most important traditions for Chinese people, and this year, Feng Feng’s family has given this tradition a new twist.

传统的山东菜以其色香味俱佳而闻名,冯锋家也不例外。他们精心挑选的食材,独特的烹饪技巧,使得每一道菜都散发着诱人的香气。 The traditional Shandong cuisine, known for its excellent taste, aroma, and flavor, is no exception at Feng Feng’s home. They carefully select the ingredients and use unique cooking techniques to make every dish mouthwatering.

随着春节的临近,冯锋家备菜的忙碌景象也成了当地一道独特的风景线。他们的努力不仅是为了迎接新的一年,更是为了传承和弘扬中国丰富的饮食文化。 As the Spring Festival approaches, the bustling scene of Feng Feng’s family preparing dishes has become a unique landscape in the local area. Their efforts are not only to welcome the new year but also to carry on and promote the rich Chinese culinary tradition.

冯锋说:“备年菜是我们迎接春节的传统,我们要用心去做,让家人在新的一年里都能感受到这份爱和温暖。” Feng Feng said, “Preparing New Year’s dishes is a tradition for us to welcome the Spring Festival. We need to do it with our hearts to make our family feel this love and warmth in the new year.”

在中国,春节不仅仅是家庭的聚会,更是文化的传承和分享的象征。The Spring Festival in China is not just a family gathering but also a symbol of cultural heritage and sharing. 通过备年菜这一传统习俗,冯锋家正是这一象征的生动体现。 Through the traditional custom of preparing New Year’s dishes, Feng Feng’s family embodies this symbol.


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