伦敦,2023年2月24日 – 谷歌旗下的DeepMind公司近日推出了一款名为AlphaGeometry的人工智能系统,该系统在解决奥林匹克级别的几何难题上取得了显著成就。结合了语言模型和符号引擎的AlphaGeometry,在包含30个高难度问题的测试集上解决了25个,超过了之前最佳方法仅解决的10个问题,其表现甚至接近了国际数学奥林匹克(IMO)金牌得主的平均水平。
London, February 24, 2023 – Google’s DeepMind has recently launched an artificial intelligence system called AlphaGeometry, which has made significant strides in solving geometric problems at Olympiad levels. The AI system, which combines a language model with a symbolic engine, resolved 25 out of 30 challenging problems in a test set, surpassing the previous best method’s resolution of only 10 problems and coming close to the average performance of International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) gold medalists.
The breakthrough of AlphaGeometry demonstrates that AI is achieving and even surpassing the capabilities of human experts in geometry and mathematics. By applying symbolic and logical rules for precise reasoning, the system not only resolves abstract geometric problems that traditional computers struggle with but also provides a new tool for mathematical education and research.
The development of this innovative technology signifies the progress of AI in handling complex abstract thinking. In the future, AlphaGeometry is expected to play an important role in education, engineering design, and mathematical theoretical research. Its success showcases the immense potential of AI in tackling human intellectual challenges and also triggers in-depth reflections on the future role of AI in mathematics and science.
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