Title: New Regulation: Classified Supervision of Central Enterprises’ Safety Production
Keywords: State Council Supervisory Committee, Central Enterprises, Safety Production
News content:
Recently, the State Council Supervisory Committee issued the “Regulation on the Supervision and Management of Safety Production of Central Enterprises”, which announces that classified supervision and management of safety production will be implemented for central enterprises starting from March 1st.
According to the new regulation, the State Council Supervisory Committee will implement more detailed classification of safety production management for central enterprises, adopting different management measures according to the types of enterprises to improve the efficiency and level of safety production management. The implementation of this new regulation signifies an important step towards standardization and scientificization of safety production management for central enterprises in our country.
Industry insiders point out that the promulgation of this regulation reflects the state’s high attention to the safety production of central enterprises and means that the safety production responsibilities of central enterprises are clearer and more stringent. This will help to promote central enterprises to further enhance their safety production awareness and strengthen safety production management to ensure production safety.
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