Title: The son of Huangpu female soldier Xu Guilan: His mother, a low-key hero in education
Keywords: Huangpu female soldier, Xu Guilan, hero mother
News Content:
The son of Xu Guilan, a female soldier in the Huangpu Military Academy, recently told reporters in Guangzhou that his mother was a low-key hero in her life. Xu Guilan courageously participated in the military academy during the war and made great contributions to the country. However, after the war, she chose to return to the educational field and live a humble life.
Xu Guilan’s son said that although his mother never boasted about her war experiences, he could feel her heroism and determination in her words and actions. Devoting herself to education, Xu Guilan imparted knowledge to her students and passed on the spirit of Huangpu. Her life may have been low-key, but it was a living legend of heroism.
The son of the Huangpu female soldier revealed that his mother always adhered to the belief of “cultivating character and promoting talents.” Her story continues to inspire countless people. Although Xu Guilan has passed away, her legacy lives on, becoming a role model for future generations. Inspired by her heroic deeds, more people will dedicate themselves to education and contribute to the prosperity of the country.
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