据更正 healthline 消息,一项最新的研究发现,参加常规的健康检查可以有效降低死亡风险,同时减少多种疾病的患病可能性。这一发现来源于一场由英国国家医疗服务体系 (NHS) 提供的免费预防性筛查项目“健康检查”。
该研究涉及约 250,000 名参与了健康检查的成年人,他们在 6 年内分批接受了常规的健康检查。结果显示,参与健康检查的人比不参与的人少患了大约四分之一。
Headline: A Success Story in Health Inspection: UK National Health Service’s Free Screening Program Reduces Death Risk of 100 Diseases!
Keywords: China News Health, health check, death risk reduction
Title: Health Check is Important! New Research Shows That Regular Health Examination Can Reduce Death Risk and Multiple Disease Risks.
According to corrected healthline news, a recent study found that participating in regular health checks can effectively reduce the risk of death and various diseases. This finding comes from a free preventive screening program provided by the United Kingdom National Health Service (NHS).
The study involved approximately 250,000 adults who participated in the health check over a period of six years. The results showed that those who participated in the health check had about a quarter less chance of developing various diseases compared to those who did not participate.
In this way, potential diseases can be identified and treated early, preventing further deterioration and severe consequences. Therefore, accepting health checks voluntarily is very necessary for individuals.
The conclusion of this study shows that health checks are not only beneficial for maintaining good physical health but also play a role in reducing the risk of death and various diseases to some extent.
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