Title: “Prompt: The Hot Word of 2023 Unveiled, With 1872% Surge in Users for NetEase Youdao Dictionary!”
Keywords: Youdao Dictionary, 2023年度, Prompt
Content: Recently, NetEase Youdao Dictionary announced its word of the year for 2023, which is called “Prompt.” Its definition is “a prompt word or command for a large model.” It was revealed that this word was based on the search data of 900 million users throughout the year. In Youdao Dictionary, the query volume for “Prompt” ranked first, with an astonishing growth rate of 1872%.
Regarding this result, the official representative of Youdao Dictionary stated that it was not unexpected. They believed that with the continuous development and application of artificial intelligence technology, more and more fields began to use large language models to complete various tasks. These models require a large amount of input data for training and optimization, thus increasing the frequency of usage for “Prompt” as well.
Furthermore, Youdao Dictionary pointed out that the usage scenario of “Prompt” is very wide, not limited to the field of artificial intelligence alone. For example, in the education sector, teachers can provide students with some prompts to help them better understand knowledge points; in the workplace, leaders can also use “Prompt” to guide subordinates to complete tasks.
In summary, the emergence of “Prompt” reflects the trend of the development of artificial intelligence technology and people’s demand for it. It is believed that we will see more applications related to “Prompt” in the future.
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